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- Gyeong-Hwan Kim, Jeong-Wook Oh, Hohsuk Noh, Jinsoo Oh, Han Choe, Jung-Hoon Lee, Mouhong Lin, Jwa-Min Nam*. Statistical Modeling of Ligand-mediated Multimeric Nanoparticle Assembly, J. Phys. Chem. C, 123, 21195-21206 (2019)


- Minho Kim, Jung-Hoon Lee*, Jwa-Min Nam*. Plasmonic Photothermal Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications, Adv. Sci. 6, 1900471 (2019)


- Gang Chen, Kyle J Gibson, Di Liu, Huw C. Rees, Jung-Hoon Lee, Weiwei Xia, Ruoqian Lin, Huolin L. Xin, Oleg Gang, Yossi Weizmann*.

Regioselective surface encoding of nanoparticles for programmable self-assembly, Nat. Mater. 18, 169-174 (2019)

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- Uttam Manna†, Jung-Hoon Lee†,​ Tiansong Deng†,​ John Parker†,​ Nolan Shepherd, Yossi Weizmann, Norbert F. Scherer*. Selective Induction of Optical Magnetism, Nano Lett. 17, 7196-7206 (2017)

(†​Equal contribution)


- Jung-Hoon Lee, Zoya Cheglakov, Jaeseok Yi, Timothy M Cronin, Kyle J Gibson, Bozhi Tian, Yossi Weizmann*. Plasmonic Photothermal Gold Bipyramid Nanoreactors for Ultrafast Real-time Bioassays, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139, 8054–8057 (2017)



- Haemi Lee, Jung-Hoon Lee, Jwa-Min Nam, Yung Doug Suh*. Sub-one-nanometer Gap (SONG) for Nanogap-enhanced Raman Scattering (NERS), Proc. of SPIE, 9925, 99250J (2016)

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- Jung-Hoon Lee, Jeong-Wook Oh, Sang Hwan Nam, Yeong Seok Cha, Gyeong-Hwan Kim, Won-Kyu Rhim, Nam Hoon Kim, Jong Woo Kim, Sang Woo Han, Yung Doug Suh*, Jwa-Min Nam*. Synthesis, Optical Properties, and Multiplexed Raman Bio‐imaging of Surface Roughness‐controlled Nanobridged Nanogap Particles, Small, 12, 4726-4734 (2016)



- Bhargav Guntupalli, Pingping Liang, Jung-Hoon Lee, Yuehai Yang, Haixiang Yu, Juan Canoura, Jin He, W. Z. Li, Yossi Weizmann, Yi Xiao*. Ambient Filtration Method to Rapidly Prepare Highly Conductive, Paper-based Porous Gold Films for Electrochemical Biosensing, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7, 27049-27058 (2015)


- Jung-Hoon Lee, Kyle J Gibson, Gang Chen, Yossi Weizmann*. Bipyramid-templated Synthesis of Monodisperse Anisotropic Gold Nanocrystals, Nat. Commun. 6, 7571 (2015)

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- Haemi Lee, Gyeong-Hwan Kim, Jung-Hoon Lee, Nam Hoon Kim, Jwa-Min Nam*, Yung Doug Suh*. Quantitative Plasmon Mode and Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering Analyses of Strongly Coupled Plasmonic Nanotrimers with Diverse Geometries, Nano Lett. 15, 4628-4636 (2015)



- Jung-Hoon Lee, Myung-Hwa You, Gyeong-Hwan Kim, Jwa-Min Nam*. Plasmonic Nanosnowmen with a Conductive Junction as Highly Tunable Nanoantenna Structures and Sensitive, Quantitative and Multiplexable Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering Probes, Nano Lett. 14, 6217-6225 (2014)

  • Most Read Articles (October 2014), Nano Letters



- Haemi Lee†,​ Jung-Hoon Lee†,​ Seung Min Jin, Yung Doug Suh*, Jwa-Min Nam*. Single-molecule and Single-particle-based Correlation Studies between Localized Surface Plasmons of Dimeric Nanostructures with ~1 nm Gap and Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering, Nano Lett. 13, 6113-6121 (2013)

(†​Equal contribution)


- Haemi Lee†,​ Jung-Hoon Lee†,​ Hyung Min Kim, Seung Min Jin, Jwa-Min Nam*, Yung Doug Suh*. High-precision Measurement-based Correlation Studies among Atomic Force Microscopy, Rayleigh Scattering, and Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering at Single-molecule Level, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 4243-4249 (2013)

(†​Equal contribution)


- Jung-Hoon Lee, Jae-Ho Hwang, Jwa-Min Nam*. DNA-tailored Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Biosensing Applications, Wiley Inter. Rev.: Nanomed. Nanobiotechnol. 5, 96-109 (2013)



- Jung-Hoon Lee, Jwa-Min Nam*, Ki-Seok Jeon, Dong-Kwon Lim, Hyoki Kim, Sunghoon Kwon, Haemi Lee, Yung Doug Suh*. Tuning and Maximizing the Single-molecule Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering from DNA-tethered Nanodumbbells, ACS Nano, 6, 9574-9584 (2012)


- Jung-Hoon Lee, Gyeong-Hwan Kim, Jwa-Min Nam*. Directional Synthesis and Assembly of Bimetallic Nanosnowmen with DNA, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 5456-5459 (2012)


- Jung-Hoon Lee, Soo-Yeon Moon, Yu-Ju Shin*. Fabrication of Nano-grain SnO2-ZnO Composite Electrodes and Their Photovoltaic Properties for Dye-sensitized Solar Sell, J. Korean Chem. Soc. 56, 159-163 (2012)



- Jung-Hoon Lee, Nam-Gyu Park, Yu-Ju Shin*. Nano-grain SnO2 Electrodes for High Conversion Efficiency SnO2–DSSC, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 95, 179-183 (2011)



- Yu-Ju Shin*, Jung-Hun Lee, Ji-Hye Park, Nam-Gyu Park. Enhanced Photovoltaic Properties of SiO2-treated ZnO Nanocrystalline Electrode for Dye-sensitized Solar Cell, Chem. Lett. 36, 1506-1507 (2007)



- Ki Seok Kim, Yoon-Sik Kang, Jung-Hoon Lee, Yu-Ju Shin, Nam-Gyu Park, Kwang Sun Ryu, Soon Ho Chang. Photovoltaic Properties of Nano-particulate and Nanorod Array ZnO Electrodes for Dye-sensitized Solar CellBull. Korean Chem. Soc. 27, 295-298 (2006)


Copyright © 2018 by JHLEE LAB, Department of Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong

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